Home Politikkur Tórshavn must be for everyone who lives here – including newcomers

Tórshavn must be for everyone who lives here – including newcomers

by Lagt út ÓML

My name is Jessica Cazabon Celibashi. I’m from Albania, Trinidad & Tobago and Faroe Islands.
I understand what it’s like to be a newcomer, not from my own experiences but through the experiences of my family.

Many newcomers have good educations from their home country.
The problem is that newcomers in most cases do not understand the Faroese language when they arrive in the Faroe Islands, and do not know where to turn for guidance and help to gain a foothold and become integrated into our society.

That is why I want Tórshavn municipality to be a municipality that is also equipped to receive and accommodate newcomers. 
We must offer them help to learn the Faroese language as soon as possible, so that they are well equipped to live and participate in our society.

If you agree, vote for me in the municipal election on November 12.

Á føroyskum:

Eg eiti Jessica Cazabon Celibashi. Eg eri frá Albania, Trinidad & Tobago og Føroyum.
Eg veit, hvussu tað er at vera tilflytari. Ikki frá egnum royndum, men gjøgnum royndir hjá familjuni.

Nógvir tilflytarar hava góðar útbúgvingar frá heimlandinum.
Trupulleikin er tann, at tilflytarar sum oftast ikki skilja føroyska málið, tá teir koma til Føroya, og vita ikki, hvar teir skulu venda sær fyri at fáa hjálp til at fóta sær og integrerast í føroyska samfelagnum.
Tí ynski eg, at Tórshavnar kommuna skal vera ein kommuna, ið eisini loftar og rúmar tilflytarum. 
Vit skulu bjóða teimum hjálp til at læra føroyskt skjótast gjørligt, so teir eru væl ílatnir til at liva og luttaka í okkara samfelagi.

Um tú ert samdur, so vel meg til kommunuvalið tann 12. novembur.

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Jessica Cazabon Celibashi

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