Home Fólk og Frítíð

Fólk og Frítíð

    Eitt av málunum í nýggja ferðavinnupolitikkinum hjá Tórshavnar kommunu “Fólk og ferðavinna – lið um lið”  er, at Tórshavn skal gerast ein av bestu vinnuferðavinnubýum í Evropa.

    Umboð fyri Tórshavnar kommunu og Visit Faroe Islands hava luttikið á Arctic Circle 2022 í Reykjavík við tí fyri eyga at menna vinnuferðavinnuna, og at bjóða Tórshavn fram sum fundar – og ráðstevnubý.

    Umframt at fundast við ymiskar stovnar og myndugleikar, sum javnan skipa fyri ráðstevnum og arbeiðsfundum, nýttu umboðini eisini høvið til at kanna, hvussu Reykjavíkar kommuna arbeiðir við vinnuferðavinnu sum heild.

    Millum tvey og trý túsund fólk úr øllum heiminum luttóku á nógvu og fjølbroyttu tiltøkunum, sum vóru í Harpu.  Arctic Circle endaði við einum føroyskum kvøldi, sum Jenis av Rana, landsstýrismaður var vertur fyri.

    Tórshavnar kommuna hevur stuðlað tiltakinum. Kristianna Winther Poulsen, forkvinna í Vinnunevndini hjá Tórshavnar kommunu helt røðu fyri einari fullsettari forhøll í Hørpu.

    Kristianna Winther Poulsen nýttu høvið til at bjóða føroyska høvuðsstaðin og Føroyar fram sum ráðstevnu- og fundarbý.

    Í røðuni vísti Kristianna Winther Poulsen á, at Tórshavn er eitt fjølbroytt ferðamál við bæði náttúru og stórbýarlívi, og at í býnum eru góðir karmar til at hýsa ráðstevnum við dygdargóðum hotellum, matstovum og ráðstevnuhølum.

    Føroyska kvøldið endaði við einum braki, tá tónleikabólkarnir Lív og Tróndur og Hamradun bergtóku og settu lív í fjøldina við góðum føroyskum tónleiki.

    Røðan varð hildin á enskum og kann lesast í fullum líki her.

    Good evening dear guests

    Tonight, yet another meaningful journey has come to an end, as we are concluding the Arctic Circle Assembly, once again an enligthening and highly topical summit.

    The Faroese Evening is hosted by Mr. Jenis av Rana, Minister of Culture and Foreign Affairs in the Faroe Islands with the municipality of Tórshavn, our capital, as co-host.

    And a Faroese night is indeed a very appropriate way to say good bye after these inspiring days in Reykjavík.

    Because historically and geographically, the people of Iceland and the Faroe Islands are friends, neighbours and relatives. And this special and highly valued kinship, which arose from our common origin, dates back to the early middle ages, when our ancestors defied the ocean and sailed out from Norway in quest of land and freedom. They took the long and perilous journey heading towards the unknown north-west.

    Now, those of you who know your geography will understand that when sailing from Norway to Iceland, you pass by the Faroe Islands. And legend has it that those Northernes who were capable of grasping the true beauty of the Faroe Islands, understood that this place was no less than perfect for their settlement and their new existence. While the rest continued to Iceland. Although evil tongues maintain that it was the sea-sick who gave up and settled in the Faroe Islands while the stronger ones made it to Iceland.

    Regardless of which version we prefer, our friendship has continued to grow and to strengthen, and today, Reykjavík and Tórshavn are twinned towns, with a vivid and warm interaction between our two capitals at several levels.

    And as Reykjavík, Tórshavn is indeed worth a trip and is an interesting and fascinating city to explore.

    In Tórshavn, tourism is a growing industry, and our focus is to ensure that tourism and everyday life of our citizens will co-exist in a sustainable environment.

    We have a strong focus on the development and promotion of Tórshavn as the conference capital in the North Atlantic. And we welcome all international meetings and conferences to be held here.

    From the first step you take on our islands, the stage is set for an extraordinary experience. We blend restaurants in old grass-roofed houses with contemporary hotels and conference venues. Our capital is diversified, and at the same time modern and traditional.

    We have the life of the big city – and we have nature, where you can take an undisturbed and quiet walk and greet sheep and cattle or just enjoy the beautiful and peaceful scenery.

    And we want what’s best for the planet too: our aim is to be the first Nordic country to offer 100 percent green energy powered meetings.

    The cultural and social life of the Faroe Islands is alive and inspiring, and we have an astonishingly diverse music scene to which I am sure you will agree after tonight where you will get a good taste of our food and music.

    So do not hesitate to seek further information about Tórshavn, if you plan a conference or an event. We will be more than happy to guide you and to welcome you.

    Finally I would like to thank our Head of Representation to Iceland, Ms Halla Nolsøe Poulsen, and her staff for making this evening possible.

    Thank you for listening and enjoy the evening.

    Kelda og myndir: torshavn.fo 25 okt 2022

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